2018 Installation Ceremony

Installation Officers Sissy Furrie, Kaye Swain, Judy Sadberry, Delphia Von Heeder, and Donna Pope
with Worthy Matron Pam Johnson and Worthy Patron Joe Spencer (pictured in center).

Installing Officer       Donna Pope  - PM TMRC 1145
Installing Chaplin      Kay Swain  - PM Lorena 1124
Installing Marshal     Sissy Furrie  - PM Haltom City 982
Installing Organist    Delphia Von Heeder  - PM TMRC 1145
Installing Secretary  Judy Sadberry  - PM DeLeon 693

Flag Presentation and Honor Arlington Commandery #107

SK Floyd Hall P.C.
SK Jim Cotten
SK John Thomas
SK Shane WIlliams


 Arlington Rainbow Girls and Shannon Blair helped with the Installation


PGM Yvonne and Robert - SSGT Brady and Zeke Brownfield